Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Colored text in VS Code Terminal

Most terminals allow to print colored text and the default Terminal in VS Code (based on PowerShell) is no exception.

  1. console.error("\033[91m" + ev.stack + "\033[0m");


  1. SyntaxError: Octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode.


  1. console.error("\x1B[91m" + ev.stack + "\x1B[0m");


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

VS Code and Node.js

Install Node.js from official web.


Install nodemon:

  1. npm install -g nodemon


  1. { "configurations": [ { "console": "integratedTerminal", "internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen", "name": "nodemon", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/qetrix.js", "request": "launch", "restart": true, "runtimeExecutable": "nodemon", "skipFiles": [ "<node_internals>/**" ], "type": "pwa-node" } ] }

When I debugged the router and module init, I wanted to run it immediately after nodemon restarted, so simply I added a HTTP GET call right into server.listen function:

  1. http.get("");

In VS Code you don't even need to hunt for extensions, “Node Debug” is already built-in.

I have to admit, it's quite joyous to work like that. I really like the simplicity of PHP and this isn't actually that far off.
