Saturday, January 6, 2024

iPad as a Windows display

I don't have second LCD at home.

I've always had a tablet laying around, either ancient iPad 2 in the office, or my mother-in-law's old Android tablet, which I use when baking or cooking to view the recipe, because I don't mind getting it dirty.

When I finally decided to buy myself a digital piano, I kinda like Synthesia. I originally purchased a license on my iPad, but later I found out if I'd purchase it on the website, it will work on all devices! I was kinda mad at myself I didn't do proper “due diligence” and it leželo mi to v hlavě tak dlouho, až jsem se rozhodl koupit i tu webovou licenci.

Little while later I learned, that the “Synthesia LLC” company is in fact just a single developer. Now I'm glad I supported him.

smart home addition

acts like secondary display, you can position it in settings. connects either via cable or via wifi, which basically means you can access the PC anywhere in the range. It opens a whole lot of new use cases!

added touch - testing qard! It doesnt support mouse on iPad, but it does support keyboard, so I can use Magic Keyboard connected to the iPad and thru the app write on my PC.

Speaking of mouse, invert scrolling

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Looking back on 2023

I have to say, I had some great years, but 2023 must be one of the best so far, despite it wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.

final version quid, wrinkles here and there

qard getting nicely, looking forward to 2024

codebase getting big, but not bloat

business is doing great, but maintaining pretty much all versions all the way back to the first one, with direct DOM manipulations.

My workflow has been fundamentally affected by Chat GPT, in a positive way. I've never transition so quickly from "I don't know this" to "I can't live without this", I suspect it was during a single day!