Sunday, August 28, 2022

Where is he?

I generally distrust any company with my data, let alone with my geographical position. I don't want them to store where I was, so the only option for me is to do it myself.

I extended Quo by adding server calls, so it can report my current position in nearly real time. I added switch in app settings to enter endpoint URL and to turn it on/off when needed.

  1. t=2022-08-28T15:30:11+0200&lt=38.258188&ln=140.877655&a=42&s=0.0&c=317&p=15&b=97

It works well, however it's not efficient at all, sending data sometimes every second, so it drains battery quite a bit. So I had an idea to include battery info in the data as well, so the other party knows there are no position updates because my phone died on my way there :-), circle as precision marker

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Debugging in JavaScript

stack in console.debug: { at: Error().stack.substring(6).split("\n") }

filter in devtools console still triggers console.debug

custom console

mobile: In Chrome 73, we added the chrome://inspect page which locally displays JavaScript logs to assist in debugging webpages

Also Safari webinspector with Mac:

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Steam Game