Thursday, June 11, 2015

Order by rating

If you want to sort anything, like products or movies, by user rating, the simple method may jump into mind:

  1. SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY rating DESC;

Yes, it will work, but tell me, which product you perceive as better: the one with a single 5 star rating, or the other with thousands of 5 star ratings and just a few 1 stars? Because the example above will favor the first one.

The easiest remedy is to exclude those with less than a certain number of ratings, but what if you don't want to? Then you may user Bernoulli parameter, optionally with a Wilson score confidence interval.


SELECT name, positive, negative, positive/total x FROM productz ORDER BY x DESC;

By the way, I'm not sure that the Wilson correction gives any better results than a one standard deviation lower bound for the positive score:

SELECT name, positive, negative, positive/total - sqrt(positive*negative/total)/total x FROM productz ORDER BY x DESC;

Score = Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter:

SELECT name, positive, negative, ((positive + 1.9208) / (positive + negative) - 

                   1.96 SQRT((positive negative) / (positive + negative) + 0.9604) / 

                          (positive + negative)) / (1 + 3.8416 / (positive + negative)) 

       AS ci_lower_bound

FROM productz

WHERE positive + negative > 0 

ORDER BY ci_lower_bound DESC;

Single 1 0 1

Good new 5 0 1

Excellent 23400 23 0.9988134107340426

Quite good 520 200 0.7055298549839887

Exc-ish 5 1 0.6811881781678829

Some shitty 1000 2000 0.3247267033417656

Quite bad 28 82 0.21301210856756564

Bad-ish 1 2 0.06116780616017409

Single bad 0 1 0

Single 1 0 1.0000

Good new 5 0 1.0000

Excellent 23400 23 0.9990

Exc-ish 5 1 0.8333

Quite good 520 200 0.7222

Some shitty 1000 2000 0.3333

Bad-ish 1 2 0.3333

Quite bad 28 82 0.2545

Single bad 0 1 0.0000

Excellent 23400 23 0.998

Quite good 520 200 0.688

Good new 5 0 0.565

Exc-ish 5 1 0.436

Some shitty 1000 2000 0.316

Single 1 0 0.206

Quite bad 28 82 0.182

Bad-ish 1 2 0.061

Single bad 0 1 4.586

rating = (((positive + 1.9208) / (positive + negative) - 1.96 Math.Sqrt(((positive negative) / (positive + negative)) + 0.9604) / (positive + negative)) / (1 + 3.8416 / (positive + negative)));