It's been two years and I still bake, now more than ever – with the ongoing inflation some items went up 20 %, so I'm using my wisely created stockpile of cheap flour and olive oil, and we try to use the electric oven for as much items at once as feasible, because it takes 10-15 minutes to heat it up.
While my wife was out skiing, I enjoyed some alone time and tried to bake a pizza. To my surprise it went really well and the dough was delicious! However, regular oven is not hot enough for pizza, the best you can do is to preheat it to the max (250°C / 480°F in my case), including the baking tray, and bake it nearest the top heating element (for just 7 minutes).
As I mentioned, we regularly eat savory pastry with something (cheese in my case) for dinner, as lunch is the main meal of the day. So now I bake twice a week, on Monday and Friday. I found a way to bake as soon as possible after we return home from work, using retarded dough.
I prepare the dough in the evening and let it proof. Then I shape the rolls and stuff, put them covered in cling film to the fridge till the next evening. Then I take them out of the fridge to heat up a bit, preheat the oven to 230 °C / 450 °F and bake it for 18 minutes.
poppy seed filling non cooked using yogurt, with plum spread (povidla)
HJSON in JS... provide PHP code. Not complete HJSON, but most of it.