Friday, June 14, 2019


In recent years browser manufacturers added an additional security checks for third party content, in a form of headers or META tags.

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is telling the browser it can read data even if it's in different origin. You can get around it using a CORS Proxy.

CSP (Content Security Policy) battles XSS (cross site scripting) and packet sniffing attacks, and exists in three versions. The first requires to specify a white-list of allowed sources in Content-Security-Policy header, which often led to enabling all of them for convenience. The second introduced a nonce, and the third is the best, but not yet widely supported.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


I started with a single “master” scope for all components and data elements. It went well, until it didn't :-) I needed to separate elems in lists (table columns), because they also got filled by the .data method.

The obvious choice was to create a per-component scope, but problems were single data elements can appear in multiple components and at the same time a single form can be composed of multiple other components.

So I tried keep all elems in the global scope and separate all elems in lists. It worked well and it solved the issue I had.

But I still had one issue, I wasn't able to declare a custom temporary form or a form-in-form. So the ultimate decision (and hopefully the last major rewrite of the whole thing) was to have somewhat hybrid scenario with per-major-component scopes – besides separate scope for lists, all nested forms will inherit scope from the initial parent form.

This way the nested parent form will have separate scope and a custom form, e.g. in a modal window, will also have it's own scope.

And to make it even more complex, I had to add a scope-groups, because I allow to load multiple modules at once (module-in-module) and I know what scopes to remove with closing the nested module. The former way didn't look right anyway :-)