I found out I don't need a special data element type for relations, because it's basically a dynamic enum I already use.
In both cases you type a text into the field, that brings up a list of appropriate items from which you choose desired option. This option has a hidden value, that is stored in a database.
Speaking of autocomplete, I don't have it just for enums, but for text type as well. In this case the value is the text and the autocomplete is optional. There's no difference between typing everything into the field and clicking on an option from the list.
.exec() - Executes a search for a match in its string parameter.
.test(): bool - Tests for a match in its string parameter.
.split() -
Not IE11:
.match() - Performs match to given string and returns match result.
.matchAll() - Returns all matches of the regular expression against a string.
.search() - Searches the match in given string and returns the index the pattern found in the string.
.replace() - Replaces matches in given string with new substring.
You probably read a zillion articles on this topic, so I'm going to focus on QetriX in particular. I'd like to point out it's safe to work with official QetriX implementations, because all the inputs are properly sanitized... (tumbleweed)
As a software developer, with only long-term contracts, I wasn't affected by the mayhem that much. The only major change was a switch to online meetings, which I personally prefer, and as an introvert I was preparing for social distancing for years :-)
I don't mind wearing a face mask, after visiting Japan I learned Japs wear them for years during the sniffles, so they don't spread it, which I'd love to see in other countries as well and personally would totally do.
Due to many restrictions I spend more of my spare time at home, so I have more time to experiment with approaches and think about them. Less traffic also help me to get to and from work more quickly, so there's another time right there.
I was planning to get a haircut in March, but the restrictions came and my only hope now is there will be another Woodstock coming. Fortunately, my spouse is talented in many ways and she managed to adjust my receding hair quite nicely.
Summer update: I was really hoping my mid-October travels to remote places of the Earth, planned and even already heavily paid for since last year, would remain unaffected, but sadly the airline bloodbath made some deep cuts into it and ultimately all three transcontinental journeys were canceled.
Autumn update: Believe or not, our mid-October travels happened! We booked our tickets just two days before departure, after our PCR tests came out negative, despite the fare for two climbed up by €600 (“by”, not “to”...), because the cheapest ones sold out.
Airlines reduced their schedules to a right amount, because most flights were packed, but on many places we were the only visitors. And of course we travel responsibly and cautiously, and underwent a test before, during and after the trip – all of them came out negative.
From this experience I can say traveling is possible and it's not important that you travel, but how. It's far better to travel safely, than have a beer on an illegal party with strangers. I'd say the latter is the case for more people.
I was amazed when learning about mRNA vaccines and honestly I think this research deserves the Nobel Prize in medicine. Not only it turbocharged COVID-19 vaccines, but there are tons of other opportunities for previously failed drug attempts to be finally successful using mRNA approach.