Monday, December 9, 2013

Sliky Quiky

Well, I got many brilliant ideas for Quiky past few days. Most of them stays as TODO, to release first public version as soon as possible, but among them I got few killer features I can’t wait to implement.

I tried Quiky in real life use case yesterday. I attended yet another great event, DevFest Praha 2013 by GUG CZ, and some of my notes I made using Quiky. Right there I figured out one of the killer features I don’t want to write about yet, because I’ve never seen such feature anywhere else.

I also found I quite miss spell check, because I tend to use other text editors for this. Therefore I implemented NHunspell, but shortly after that I realized it would be nice to underline misspelled words. Quiky used plain multiline TextBox, which can’t underline anything. I already had RichTextBox, but for future WYSIWYG only. After about a second of thinking about it I got rid of the plain TextBox and kept solely the RichTextBox.

I was quite excited about the “switcheroo”, because I didn’t like the fact I have two different components for the same purpose.

Web side also got a lot of attention in the last few days. I focused on security and made few independent layers, especially when accessed from outside using Quiky API (like Quiky app).

My goal is to unify GUI for all platforms. Web will be responsive and it’s not just for mobile usage. I still like Firefox’s concept of a Sidebar, so I may be using Quiky there as well.