Thursday, June 11, 2015

Order by rating


SELECT name, positive, negative, positive/total x FROM productz ORDER BY x DESC;

By the way, I'm not sure that the Wilson correction gives any better results than a one standard deviation lower bound for the positive score:

SELECT name, positive, negative, positive/total - sqrt(positive*negative/total)/total x FROM productz ORDER BY x DESC;

Score = Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter:

SELECT name, positive, negative, ((positive + 1.9208) / (positive + negative) - 

                   1.96 SQRT((positive negative) / (positive + negative) + 0.9604) / 

                          (positive + negative)) / (1 + 3.8416 / (positive + negative)) 

       AS ci_lower_bound

FROM productz

WHERE positive + negative > 0 

ORDER BY ci_lower_bound DESC;

Single 1 0 1

Good new 5 0 1

Excellent 23400 23 0.9988134107340426

Quite good 520 200 0.7055298549839887

Exc-ish 5 1 0.6811881781678829

Some shitty 1000 2000 0.3247267033417656

Quite bad 28 82 0.21301210856756564

Bad-ish 1 2 0.06116780616017409

Single bad 0 1 0

Single 1 0 1.0000

Good new 5 0 1.0000

Excellent 23400 23 0.9990

Exc-ish 5 1 0.8333

Quite good 520 200 0.7222

Some shitty 1000 2000 0.3333

Bad-ish 1 2 0.3333

Quite bad 28 82 0.2545

Single bad 0 1 0.0000

Excellent 23400 23 0.998

Quite good 520 200 0.688

Good new 5 0 0.565

Exc-ish 5 1 0.436

Some shitty 1000 2000 0.316

Single 1 0 0.206

Quite bad 28 82 0.182

Bad-ish 1 2 0.061

Single bad 0 1 4.586

rating = (((positive + 1.9208) / (positive + negative) - 1.96 Math.Sqrt(((positive negative) / (positive + negative)) + 0.9604) / (positive + negative)) / (1 + 3.8416 / (positive + negative)));

Saturday, April 4, 2015


I like watching TV series, my list of favorites is quite long. I also like to re-watch them, from time to time, but sometimes only good episodes. I had a list of good ones on my personal wiki, but it was boring to note them every time (and when I watch multiple episodes in a row, I simply forget to note it and then I forget which one was the good one). I did some research and found Trakt and became a happy user, because rating was quick and easy enough for me to actually do it.

One day Trakt creators upgraded the website and rating system was still in “to-do”, so now I had nowhere to rate. I tried to google some replacement, but without any success. So, out of frustration, I added a new table “rating” to my personal wiki. It allowed me to rate not only episodes, but anything else – movies, songs, cars, vacations, etc. I was so pleased I thought this might be a nice service for others to use as well.

The biggest drawback was, that I had to enter the thing I was rating, mostly episode identification. I don’t want my users to add anything. First of all, it’s not quick and easy. Second of all, it will get wrong and duplicate (sorry, users...). It would require something, where all such data already is. Oh, wait!

I’m building qb for several years now and it will be the perfect marriage: a big database with “everything”, plus a website, that allows you to rate anything. Sounds great.

I looked for a fitting name, which starts with “Q” and contains “rate” and in the shower (which is a common place for ideas for many people, according to one article I read) I thought of “Qarate”. You can pronounce it as “Karate” (martial art) or “Carat” (unit of mass for gems and pearls). Therefore users may form dojos and level as gem rarity and belt colors (like blue diamond is more, than black sapphire).

Rating system will consist of 5 grades with matching score for that entity: +2 (excellent), +1 (good), 0 (meh), -1 (bad) and -2 (terrible). User may have limited +3 grades (the best), which can be used to mark a notable thing of it’s kind, like one episode in a TV series season.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


I like watching TV series, my list of favorites is quite long. I also like to re-watch them, from time to time, but sometimes only good episodes. I had a list of good ones on my personal wiki, but it was boring to note them each time (and when I watch multiple episodes in a row, I simply forget to note it and then I forget which one was the good one). So I discovered Trakt and was happy about it. Rating was quick and easy enough for me to actually do it.

One day Trakt creators upgraded the website and rating system was still in “to-do”, so now I had nowhere to rate. I tried to google some replacement, but without any success. So, out of frustration, I added a new table “rating” to my personal wiki. It allowed me to rate not only episodes, but anything else – movies, songs, cars, vacations, etc. I was so pleased I thought this might be a nice service for others to use as well.

Qarate Logo. Hajime!

The biggest drawback was, that I had to enter the thing I was rating, mostly episode identification. I don’t want my users to add anything. First of all, it’s not quick and easy. Second of all, it will get wrong and duplicate (sorry, users...). It would require something, where all such data already is. Oh, wait!

I’m building qb for several years now and it will be the perfect marriage: a big database with “everything”, plus a website, that allows you to rate anything. Sounds great.

I looked for a fitting name, which starts with “Q” and contains “rate” and in the shower (which is a common place for ideas for many people, according to one article I read) I thought of “Qarate”. You can pronounce it as “Karate” (martial art) or “Carat” (unit of mass for gems and pearls). Therefore users may form dojos and level as gem rarity and belt colors (like blue diamond is more, than black sapphire).

Rating system will consist of 5 grades with matching score for that entity: +2 (excellent), +1 (good), 0 (meh), -1 (bad) and -2 (terrible). User may have limited +3 grades (the best), which can be used to mark notable things of it’s kind, like one episode in a TV series season.